
방탄소년단BTS - INTRO: O!RUL8,2?


Nothing last forever
You only live once
So live your life, not any other's lives
Take chances and never regret, never
Never be late to what you wanna do right now
Because at one point of someday, everything you did
Would be exactly what you will be
아버지는 말하셨지 인생을 즐겨라
아버지께 여쭤보고파 당신은 인생을 즐겼나
왜 당연한 게 당연하지 않게 됐고
당연하지 않은 게 당연하게 됐어
왜 나의 인생에서 나는 없고 그저 남의 인생들을 살게 됐어
이건 진짜야 도박도 게임도 아냐 딱 한번뿐이 인생
넌 데체 누글 위해 사냐 9살 아니면 10살 때쯤 내 심장은 멈췄지
가슴에 손을 얹고 말해봐
내 꿈은 뭤였지?
어... 진짜 뭤였지?


Christmas Songs I

    Again, it's the time for the release of holiday songs for many companies~~ Which is one of the reason I love Christmas.

    Today I will recommend 3 songs I listened most recently!

    - The 1st song would of course be a remake of Justin Biebers "Only Thing I Ever Get For Christmas" by Bangtan Boys (BTS)
         《방탄소년단_흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스》
     To continue on their previous concept last year with a song about the life as trainee who got the desire to debut. This time it's a song telling a typical idols Christmas. The reason I love their song is that I can actually feel and understand what they are trying to tell, the lyrics actually got a meaning compared to many other kpop songs that... just melodies without soul. To be honest I was not a fan for hip-hop songs before, but ever since I discovered BTS, I fell for them and their music. Why? Because they got their own style of hip-hop! BTS is a group I treasure, and I think that they are worth much more attention!

    - The 2nd song I recommend is by no other than CUBE! The CUBE artist have gathered together to present this song filled with christmas feel.
          《CUBE_Christmas Song》
      This time CUBE gathered all of their artist to participate in this song. What I love about this song is ofcourse the vocals of the singers~~ But of course this is a really catchy song filled with holiday spirit.

    - The 3rd and last song I'm going to recommend today is by Big Hit Entertainment!
          《BigHit_Perfect Christmas》
      Big Hit appearently just had 5 of their singers to participate in this song, which was a sad thing. I though that it would be a family song, but no no~~ Well I'm still fine with it, since Jungkook, Rap Monster and Jo Kwon have participated in this song~~


     Yupp Yupp~~ I think this would be all for today! I will post Christmas Song II someday in the next week~~ Please look forward for it~~
     Untill then...! Bye Bye!!