
JPM - That's Not The Snow Red 那不是雪中紅 HD MV

 JPM finally released the HD MV for their second song [That's Not The Snow Red] 那不是雪中紅. This song is not like their titel song. It's not a song with extremely electronic sounds. I can't explain it with words. The chorus is very easy to put in mind. So please check out their new song ;)
I like this song very much! ^^

JMP 终于公布了(那不是雪中红)的高清MV!这首歌不向主打曲的风格。没有那么多的电音,展现了JPM的唱功。副歌的旋律和歌词非常的好记。喜欢和有兴趣的朋友可以通过下面的连接看一下。:)大家一起来看看吧!和支持一下JPM。

JPM -那不是雪中紅(高清版MV) HD MV

//Yumi :3